Islamic Studies - HUM110

The subject introduces Islamic thought in comparison with other
major world religions.The topics included are beliefs and actions: Islam and other
world religions, basic sources of teaching, obligations towards
God, self and others, and Islamic teachings of collectivism.

This course is specifically designed to critically analyze and evaluate the
consequences of computing on individuals, organizations and society. This course
will help to examine the Information Technology professionalism, ethical
decision making, codes of ethics. With the help of this students will analyze
situations of computer use and technology and policy proposals, identifying the
salient issues and evaluating the reasoning about them.
The course is designed to acquaint the student with the rational of the creation of Pakistan. It deals in detail with the salient aspects of Pakistan Movement, focusing on the vision of Quaid-e-Azam, while highlighting the main objective of national life. This course also seeks to provide an appreciation and understanding of the cultural, historical and socio-political heritage of Pakistan; along with the main strands of Pakistan’s foreign policy and current affairs are also included.
Arabic is 5th popular language of the world having 280 million speakers. Its rich culture and diversity attract its followers. The plentiful Middle East offers more opportunities to an Arabic speaker. Soon as one can just utter a few words of Arabic Language in front of a native speaker they show their warmth of delight and eager to help in any possible manner. Our technical youth can get an access to Middle East and Arab world through learning of this language.
The course will deliver the most modern contents of entrepreneurship fundamentals, management and its applications. Its contents examine the structure of large organization with special focus on the increasing global importance of small and medium enterprises. Its contents cover all legal documentation, registration process, organization structure development and execution of public organization dealing and relationship.
The course is designed for students pursuing a business career, considering ownership of a small business, or business owners who wish to advance their marketing career. The course presents an overview of the management of marketing in the world economy. The environment of marketing, determining target markets, product planning, pricing, promotion, and distribution are covered. The course comprises didactic lectures, assignments, case studies and a term project.
This course outline has been compiled to meet the needs of students studying Islamic Studies as a compulsory subject at undergraduate level at CUI, Islamabad. The need for educational reconstruction in Islamic society for strengthening the foundation of faith as well as to enable the rising generation to face the challenges of moderation and globalization with confidence has been fully recognized and emphasized at CUI. It is hoped that this course outline would serve its purpose amicably and would help in the purification of thought and character building of the students.
This course provides an overview of Expository writing with emphasis on composing different types of professional documents. Out of the four skills of language, this course is focused on understanding the genres of expository writing used for explanation, information, cause and effect, comparison & contrast, persuasion and research-based review. The students will be given an exposure to different types of the audience to compose their draft for an improved comprehension. The three stages of the writing process will be explained in detail with pertinent examples of drafting a persuasive thesis statement and the consequent paragraphs which are coherent and based on authentic citations. The traits of technical writing alongside the detailed explanation of different types of professional documents will help students learn the audiovisual representation of data in the form of graphs, diagrams, maps and tables. The students will also learn to report their data in the form of face-to-face and online presentations. Lastly, the course inculcates academic integrity among learners by elaborating on different referencing and citation systems to avoid plagiarism.
This course is designed to acquaint the student with the rationale of the Ideology of Pakistan. It aims to develop the knowledge of ideological basis of Pakistan, Historical background of Pakistan, Foreign Policy and Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan concerning the fundamental rights and responsibilities of Pakistani nation. The topics include Ideology of Pakistan, Nationalism and Two Nation Theory, Historical Background of Pakistan, Simla Deputation, Lucknow Pact, Khilafat Movement, Nehru Report, Jinnah’s 14 Points, India Act 1935, Lahore Resolution and Historical Events of 1940-1947, Ideological factors that shaped the Constitution(s) of Pakistan and Constitutional development in Pakistan. Other topics will include Pakistan’s Foreign Policy addressing OIC, SAARC etc and Political system of Pakistan. It will cover Civil Military elations and its impact on institutional development and Political system of Pakistan. During the semester, student will be involved in the activities of solving problems, discussing theories and their application.
This course would familiarize students with the basic concepts of psychology for students of other disciplines. It is designed to be an introductory course focusing on developing an understanding to students about how and why people think, feel and act in certain ways; and to make them aware of personal characteristics, social contexts and reactions in life.
This Course is design to study the Life and legacy of the Holy prophet (S.A.W). Diverse role of the Holy Prophet (as an individual, educator, peace maker, leader etc)
Fundamentals of philosophy is a course which will cover the practical implication of all branches of philosophy. It will describe all the fields of human society and also illustrate that how philosophy is mother of all sciences. Different practices to raise questions and discussions will also be the part of the syllabus. Introduction of all subjects with the relationship of philosophy will be the main theme of this course.
This course aims to bring responsible citizenship and active engagement between Universities/HEIs (through their students) and local communities. The course will provide students with a foundational understanding of the principles, institutions, and processes of civic engagement in a democratic society. Moreover, the course will build the capacity of students as leaders and influencers by gaining fundamental understanding of leadership, citizenship, communication, advocacy, network building as well as having first-hand experience of community development through volunteer works