Use of CUI Name
"CUI", "COMSATS University Islamabad", and its logos and seal are trademarks of the COMSATS University. Except for purposes of attribution as required by our Creative Commons License, you may not use CUI’s names or logos, or any variations thereof, without prior written consent of CUI. You may not use the CUI name in any of its forms nor CUI seals or logos for promotional purposes, or in any way that deliberately or inadvertently claims, suggests, or in CUI's sole judgment gives the appearance or impression of a relationship with or endorsement by CUI.
About Material
Podcasts, video clips, video lectures, handouts, lecture notes, other text, animations, audio files, PowerPoint lectures, discussion board items, tutorials, self-check quizzes, supporting computer programmes, past projects, library resources, webinars and other multimedia related to different courses shall be referred to as “COMSATS CourseWare”, abbreviated as CCW.
Use of Material
Subject to Terms and policies of CUI, a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license is granted to use course material. You may download content from our courseware only for your personal, non-commercial use, unless you obtain CUI's written permission to otherwise use the content. Using our Course Material does not give you ownership of any intellectual property rights in our CourseWare or the content you access. CUI will not accept any claim or be held responsible for any adverse loss while using CCW material online or offline.
No Academic Credit
Unless otherwise explicitly indicated by COMSATS University (CUI), completion of a course does not confer any academic credit and it does not give the users any rights and privileges of obtaining or claiming a degree from CUI.